
  • Bárbara Saraiva Serviço de Medicina Interna, Hospital Sousa Martins, ULS Guarda; Interno de Formação Específica de Medicina Interna
  • Ivanna Ostapiuk Serviço de Medicina Interna, Hospital Sousa Martins, ULS Guarda; Interno de Formação Específica de Medicina Interna
  • Catarina Tavares Valente Serviço de Medicina Interna, Hospital Sousa Martins, ULS Guarda; Interno de Formação Específica de Medicina Interna
  • Sónia Coelho Serviço de Medicina Interna, Hospital Sousa Martins, ULS Guarda; Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna
  • Orlando Mendes Serviço de Medicina Interna, Hospital Sousa Martins, ULS Guarda; Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna
  • Ana Rita Fernandes Serviço de Medicina Interna, Hospital Sousa Martins, ULS Guarda; Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna
  • Celestina Blanco Torres Serviço de Medicina Interna, Hospital Sousa Martins, ULS Guarda; Assistente Graduado de Medicina Interna
  • João Correia Serviço de Medicina Interna, Hospital Sousa Martins, ULS Guarda; Assistente Graduado Sénior de Medicina Interna



Hypertension, Ischemic Stroke, Cardiovascular Risk Factors


Introduction: The Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) is an important cause of death in Europe and the primary cause of death in Portugal, most of which is ischemic in origin (69-75%). Arterial hypertension (HTN) is the most important risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and death, being a major risk factor for ischemic stroke. The present study aims to assess the prevalence of hypertension as a risk factor in patients who had ischemic stroke, taking into account the frequency of blood pressure (BP) on admission, the most used classes of antihypertensives and therapeutic changes at the time of discharge.
Materials and Methodoly: Retrospective observational study in which stroke patients were admitted to the U-AVC of a region hospital, between January 1, 2019 and November 15, 2019. The authors collected data taking into account GDH coding and examination of clinical processes.
Results and Discussion: From the 199 patients admitted to the Stroke Unit, 173 patients were included with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke. As of the 173 patients included in the study, 43.9% were female and 56.1% male, of which 73% had a diagnosis of HTA. These, 66% were given medication and 7% had a diagnosis but were not given medication. At the arrival to the emergency service, only 22% of patients with a previous diagnosis of AHT and that have been medicated were normotensive. 60% of patients received monotherapy. From the medication used, most fitted to the 1st line, with Agiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs) being the most used (33%). At the end of the treatment, 31.2% maintained therapy, 26% changed therapy and 15% started therapy again.
Conclusion: Adequate hypertension control in ischemic stroke is of highest importance, as a variable risk factor in both primary and secondary prevention. Therefore, effective blood pressure control is an important resource against stroke.


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How to Cite

Saraiva B, Ostapiuk I, Tavares Valente C, Coelho S, Mendes O, Fernandes AR, Blanco Torres C, Correia J. THE INFLUENCE OF ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION ON ISCHEMIC STROKE: CLOSE RELATIONSHIP THAT MUST BE STOPPED. RH [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 10 [cited 2024 Oct. 21];(98):6-12. Available from:



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