Medication Adherence, Anxiety, Beliefs About Medicines, Cardiovascular DiseasesAbstract
Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are a group of pathologies quite prevalent in the Portuguese community. Anxiety disorders, medication adherence and beliefs about medicines are recognized risk factors that affect the control of cardiovascular diseases, and it is therefore important to be evaluated when monitoring these patients.Objectives: This study aimed to identify the existing tools to measure adherence to antihypertensive therapy, medication beliefs and anxiety disorders, validated for the Portuguese population.
Materials and methods: A literature review on the existing questionnaires was carried out to assess these three dimensions. The psychometric properties of each questionnaire were evaluated. Then, a selection was made of which tool is the most suitable for each one of the three parameters.
Results: With the research conducted, it was possible to find 5 questionnaires to measure adherence to therapy (HBCS, MUAH, MUAH-16, MAT and MMAS-8), 2 questionnaires to measure beliefs about medication (BMQ-Specific and B-IPQ) and 4 questionnaires to measure anxiety disorders (BAI, HADS-A, SHAI and STAI) in Portuguese patients. Conclusion: The HBCS, BMQ-Specific and BAI questionnaires were identified as useful tools in clinical practice, easy to apply and without additional costs. In this way, we hope to contribute to a better identification of patients at risk, so that more individualized and more effective intervention strategies are defined in improving the control of cardiovascular diseases.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Raquel Coelho, Maria Teresa Herdeiro, Isabel Vitória Figueiredo, Ana C. Cabral
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